We have used the map tool to create a map of Tel-Aviv (showing mostly central Tel-Aviv). The map shows a 4X6km area, meaning that the entire physical display is planned to be at a scale of 1:5,000.
We have also decided to use the following 5 neighborhoods as MPOI's: The Port, Kikar HaMedina (Old North: North East borough), Kikar Atarim (Old North: South West borough), The Heart of the City and Florentin.
The full map:
Dark Blue: The Port
Orange: Kikar HaMedina (Old North: North East borough)
Yellow: Kikar Atarim (Old North: South West borough)
Green: The Heart of the City
Teal: Florentin
Additionally, here is a proposed higher level of detail for the Floretin neighborhood:
All text will be changed to English in the final version.
This (with the definitions of the neighborhoods) was taken from the very handy