Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lesson Notes

These are our action items and feedback:

Oren's feedback:
  • Oren pictures the map as analog and made of old fashioned wood, with multiple metal jacks per area. 
  • We agreed on the map's scale- blocks/neighborhoods/squares within a single city. 
  • We need to decide if we want the experience to be targeted at a single user or multiple users.
  • We need to somehow indicate that a specific location contains content (songs), an LED is recommended.
  • Regarding our flow- we have two parts, data collection (this is the part we already have) and the listening experience.
  • Touching the wall doesn't have the same affordance as jacking in with your headphones.
  • We should thoroughly research similar projects.
Orad's feedback:
  • We need to decide if we are targeting our project for the street or for a museum/show. We decided on the street.
  • Statistics are secondary to the listening experience. We should focus on listening first, and display the previous ~10 played songs as a first step.
  • Physically connecting headphones to Florentin (for example) is a much stronger experience than putting your hand on it and blocking it from your sight, and has a better affordance.
  • The application that enables you to listen to the songs on your phone is secondary to the experience and should not be focused on.
  • We should focus on the map and be very loyal to our definition of the experience: "Connecting to the musical world of people in our environment" 
  • We talked about a secondary screen that will display additional information below the map, we still haven't decided if it needs to be a touch screen (probably ideally), a tablet or an LCD.
  • We need a PC/laptop that controls the screen
  • Azure user- we've sent a mail to Noa regarding this
  • We will need the map to be printed on canvas/wood, we still haven't discussed size.
While working on the flow and user experience ,we've encountered some issues:
We like the analog "operator" style jacks idea, but think it's gonna be problematic because of the following reasons:

1. If we go with an analog map, it means we can't display complex information on it. We are limited to the jack connection, and an LED that informs the user of new songs entering the queue, and maybe some indication of the number of songs in the specific location's queue. 
 2. This is the implication #1: If we think additional information about the songs is important, such as: the song's name (very important in our opinion), the list of songs in the queue, and additional statistics about listening patterns in a specific location, then an additional display is needed. That was the direction we were going in, a secondary screen below the map that will contain that information.
However, if we want the experience to support multiple users, we're having a hard time visioning the design. Will we have n screens (tablets?) for n locations? Will we have a single display that will automatically toggle between locations or display all locations at once? Will we allow only a single user to control the screen and decide what's showing?
Ideally, we would have combined a touch screen with the jacks and displayed the additional information on the map itself as popups next to the location. Although, we think that touch screens will ruin the magical experience of our product.

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